Monday, April 27, 2009

What to do...

I've been struggling a lot lately. I think I've mentioned it before on here, but I just don't know what I'm suppose to do. Lately, I've been thinking A LOT about trying to find a job working with kids and maybe going back and getting my masters in Early Childhood Education. I love working with young kids and I am still unsure if that is what God is calling me to do. I have a group interview tomorrow. I really have no idea what to expect. I've never been to a group interview before. Interviews scare me enough. I don't know what questions to ask and you are supposed to ask questions. Usually, they always answer the questions that I had planned to ask. I'm not good at thinking on my feet. I'm a planner and it just really throw me off when I can't think of a question off the top of my head.