Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey for me, Turkey for you

Today I made a lemon ice box pie for Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't too hard. I did learn that you make meringue with egg whites, sugar and cream of tarter. Very interesting. A few days ago I learned how to make gravy from scratch. It isn't hard at all. You just save the grease from whatever your cooking (this had been porkchops) and add flour to it. Then you stir it up til it thickens and then you gradually add water making sure you don't add too much. Not hard at all. At least, describing it isn't hard. Doing it might be a different thing. Anyways, I'm currently watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade upstairs because my sister decided she wanted to watch some Taylor Swift special. Teenagers. Can't do anything with them. Lol. Anyways, we are also waiting on my brother and his crazy dog to get here. That dog is crazy. My dad calls him a horse. He's just so awkward and the poor cat just runs and hides from him, because Walker (that's the dog) wants to play with her and she's scares of him. Anyways, I'm not looking forward to my drive back to Charleston. I hate driving. Hopefully, Ellisa will drive when we go shopping at midnight (YAY!) I'm hoping I find some great deals since money is really tight for me this year. We shall see.

Christmas Song of the Day: Rockin around the Christmas Tree