Friday, December 19, 2008

A Disappointing Day

Well, I heard back about that job that I was so excited about. They said they had a great response and were looking at candidates with more administrative assistant qualifications. Sounds like a load of crap to me. Ok. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood right now. Still, I was super psyched about this job and that was just a huge disappointment. I seriously hate looking for jobs. I hate the disappointments and letdowns. It's super frustrating! On top of that, I love Christmas because I love presents and I just experienced a huge letdown. I don't know. Maybe it's because I got my phone and so that was the majority of my Christmas present. I got that three shirts and a basket with bath & body works stuff. That's it. I don't know. Maybe it's just cause my brother and sister got a ton of more stuff than me, but I can't compare what I got to what they got because it might all come out to the same amount. I still just can't help being disappointed. I guess also my brother got a lot of stuff because he graduated as well. It's just hard for me to seperate the two because they both occurred at Christmas time. Hopefully, my Christmas will get better. We shall see. I think the best present I could get at this point would be a call from that place I interviewed at offering me a job. I don't really have my hopes up about that one anymore either. Anyways, I won't be blogging for a few days because I will be in Tennessee. YAY! I'm looking forward to that.

Christmas Song of the Day: If We Make It Through December